
The scheduler library supports timezones via the standard datetime library.


Mixing of offset-naive and offset-aware datetime.time and datetime.datetime objects is not supported.

If a Scheduler is initialized with a timezone, all datetime.time, datetime.datetime and Job objects require timezones. Vice versa a Scheduler without timezone informations does not support datetime or Job objects with timezones.

For demonstration purposes, we will create a Scheduler with Jobs defined in different timezones of the world.

First create the timezones of a few known cities and a useful function to schedule.

>>> import datetime as dt

>>> def useful():
...     print("Very useful function.")

>>> tz_new_york = dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=-5))
>>> tz_wuppertal = dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=2))
>>> tz_sydney = dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=10))

Next initialize a Scheduler with UTC as its reference timezone:

>>> from scheduler import Scheduler
>>> import scheduler.trigger as trigger

>>> schedule = Scheduler(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)

Schedule our useful function once() for the current point in time but using New York local time with:

>>> job_ny = schedule.once(dt.datetime.now(tz_new_york), useful)

A daily job running at 11:45 local time of Wuppertal can be scheduled with:

>>> job_wu = schedule.daily(dt.time(hour=11, minute=45, tzinfo=tz_wuppertal), useful)

Lastly create a job running every Monday at 10:00 local time of Sydney as follows:

>>> job_sy = schedule.weekly(trigger.Monday(dt.time(hour=10, tzinfo=tz_sydney)), useful)

A simple print(schedule) statement can be used for an overview of the scheduled Jobs. As this Scheduler instance is timezone aware, the table contains a tzinfo column. Verify if the Jobs are scheduled as expected.

>>> print(schedule)  
max_exec=inf, tzinfo=UTC, priority_function=linear_priority_function, #jobs=3

type     function / alias due at              tzinfo          due in      attempts weight
-------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------ --------- ------------- ------
ONCE     useful()         2021-07-01 11:49:49 UTC-05:00     -0:00:00           0/1      1
DAILY    useful()         2021-07-02 11:45:00 UTC+02:00     16:55:10         0/inf      1
WEEKLY   useful()         2021-07-05 10:00:00 UTC+10:00       3 days         0/inf      1